• project ref : 001

  • location : Meall na Dubh Chlaise, Gairloch

  • grid ref : centred on NG 798 786

  • category : multi-period site

  • features : roundhouses, field system, fank, walls, dykes & banks

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Meall na Dubh Chlaise

The area lies to the north of Gairloch village, just above the crofting township of Strath.

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This area lies to the north of Gairloch village, just beyond the crofting township of Strath. Many of the early modern boundaries are of stone and turf construction with some ditches running alongside. The relatively modern field system is on the south-facing slope of Meall na Dubh Chlaise. The remains of a building stand on a flat area within the field. Cultivation terraces occupy the upper part of both fields.

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Prehistoric walls/dykes contemporary with the roundhouses appear as faint traces over the sloping hillside.

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The drone image above shows the traces of walls/dykes revealed by recent muirburn.